On the twelfth day of Christmas, Mrs. Gehrke sent to us…..the Twelfth Night cast list. That’s right, the musical this year is finally in motion and it is definitely going to turn some heads.
“Twelfth Night” is a musical rendition of Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night” or also known as “What You Will.” It is a romantic comedy that is enjoyable for all audiences. The musical will take place April 18-20 in the auditorium.
“I was also familiar with ‘Twelfth Night’ from the Shakespeare play and I knew the plot was full of love triangles, twists and turns, and comedy. It simply felt like the perfect musical for this year,” theatre teacher and director Mrs. Gehrke said.
This spring the lead female role of Viola will be played by senior Madeline Claravall and fellow senior Connor Higlen will be at her side, playing the lead male role, the love sick duke, Orsino. Gehrke has personally placed these two and many others into roles that she knows will let them shine and also help tell this funny and heartwarming story.
Liberty’s theatre program is all about making people feel welcome and feel like they can express themselves. In “Twelfth Night” Viola feels like she has been cast aside and is lost within herself. Through the whole musical, we see Viola and her journey to finding her true self and who she wants to be. We also see Orsino and his big realization in the resolution. In the end, Orsino realizes that he’s been blinded by his own wants and desires that he didn’t even realize the love of his life was right in front of him.

We all could be a little more selfless in the way of just looking at one another from time to time and telling each other “I see you.” We get this message especially in the closing song “Eyes Of Another.”
Liberty Drama has also once again entered the St. Louis High School Musical Theater Awards (SLHMTA’s) and are hoping to make it to the Fabulous Fox Theatre like the cast of “Bright Star” so proudly did last school year.
“‘Twelfth Night’ feels like a celebration to me – it’s a celebration of love, of community, and of people discovering who they are inside,” Gehrke said.
This musical already means so much to many in Drama Club and we can’t wait to see what it means to you. Stay tuned for more upcoming stories following the large but worth it processes of the 2023-2024 musical, “Twelfth Night.”