Everyone is unique in their own way. But something you may not realize is that there are people in your life who share the same qualities as you.
Sometimes, this is a good feeling, but other times, it can negatively impact you.
Everyone needs someone in their life who can be there for them, someone who will always be able to step out of their comfort zone to make you happy. And you know you can always do the same for them.
We interviewed a few teachers about how being kind, not only to yourself, but to others affects your life.
One of those teachers being Angela Greminger who shares her point of view on being grateful.
“Every day, think about the things you are grateful for in your life,” Greminger said.
Being kind to those around you can affect who someone can become.
“It changes your perspective and makes you a more positive individual. Be kind, be kind to yourself, be kind to your teachers, and your family, and always assume people have positive intentions,” Greminger said.
It is good to remember that you can’t control the situations that you’ve been in. But what you can control how you respond to them.
Sometimes the way we react to things is worse than the actual situation is. But we can make a more positive world around us if we are quick to listen and slow to speak.
S0cial studies teacher Jeremy Tutterrow shares how it is more a matter of one’s attitude.
“You can choose your perspective; Things are always going to be bad/evil, or things are going to be good. Believing that good will ultimately win is the ultimate, ‘Live by Faith’ statement,” Tutterrow said.
Tutterrow and Greminger were asked the same questions, one of them being, “What is your biggest accomplishment?”
“My biggest accomplishment is being a mom, and raising my two beautiful girls into amazing young women. I am so proud of my girls and who they have become,” Greminger said.
Tutterrow had a similar response.
“I would say starting my family with my wife. I am very proud of my two sons and I love them very much.” Tutterrow said.
This is a great example of how the people in our life affect us and how what we say or do can affect them.
Both Greminger and Tutterrow say how they are proud of their kids, but their kids wouldn’t be where they are without them.