Disney Cruise Line is one of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had. There were so many activities to do and many people and disney characters to meet. The state rooms were amazing, along with the pools, youth clubs, movie theatres, restaurants, and more. If you’re looking for an amazing experience as well as a relaxing vacation with or without kids, a Disney cruise experience is something you won’t regret. Here are some things from my cruise experience that I never expected to be my favorite.
Character Meet-and-Greets
This one is more for kids in my opinion, unless you’re super into Disney. There were so many characters on the cruise for families to meet and say hi to. My personal favorites were Princess Tiana, Sailor Mickey, Daisy Duck, and Sailor Minnie.
I never grew up as a kid who was obsessed with Disney princesses or Disney characters in general, but this was so cool in my opinion. I can’t imagine how it feels for little girls and boys who see the same characters on screen all day and get to watch them come to life right in front of them. Unless you’re a younger kid going on the cruise, we all know that there are people inside the costumes and they do a great job of playing the part. On top of that, not only the characters, but every single cruise line member is the most kind, relatable, and probably one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Without the positivity and good vibes everyone on the ship gives off, the Disney cruises wouldn’t be what they are.
Dining Experiences and Cafes On Board
I specifically went on the Disney Dream so this may be different from the other cruises if you’re thinking about booking one. The restaurants, cafes, and room service is completely mind blowing with how many people are on board. There are many people in the same restaurant as you every night or ordering room service at the same time as you.
The entire time I was there, any time I had dinner with my family at any of the three restaurants on board, the service was unmatched by any place I’ve ever been in my life. The food also arrived in a timely manner with no mistakes at all. This restaurant service and positive attitude from Disney workers also applies to the small cafes and room service around the cruise. You also personally get to know your head server, personal server, and assistant server during the cruise, as you have the same people assisting you the entire time you’re on the cruise. There really isn’t anything I would change about my cruise experience.
Youth Clubs On the Cruise
The absolute most important and memorable part of my cruise experience was the youth clubs available. There were three youth (under 18 years olds) clubs and one nursery on the Disney Dream Cruise. I was traveling with my younger siblings so they could be checked in by my mom to Disney’s Oceaneer Club. The parents have to check in their kids who are between the ages of 3 and 8 years old so they can roam around and explore the cruise on their own and come to pick them up whenever they’d like.
According to my brothers, they loved it so much. During the cruise they would eat their meals really fast so they could go to the kid’s club afterwards. My other younger brother who’s 14 ended up mostly going to “Edge” which is the club for 9 to 13 year olds (if kids who are 14 want to go to Edge instead of the next club up, Vibe, they can). Now I’ll explain my personal favorite part of the cruise. “Vibe” is another youth club on the cruise for 14 to 17 year olds. Before I attended the cruise, I was told by multiple people that teen clubs were cringe, boring, or just didn’t sound fun. They were wrong! If you’re a teenager going on a cruise, knowing there’s a youth club you can attend, I highly recommend going. It was so fun to meet so many kids my age or close to it and hangout with them during the trip. You also get to do a bunch of stuff and have access to so many things no one else on the cruise can get.
Overall, these three things really made my Disney Dream Cruise experience one of the best vacations I have ever been on so far. If you’re even thinking about a cruise, whether it’s a Disney one or not, I would definitely do it. It’s an experience you won’t forget.