Flags are Flying

Winter Guard season is well underway


Sarah Downs

Kaylee Williams and the rest of her winter guard teammates practice for their upcoming performance.

A rush of colors and adrenaline, flying through the air. That’s the type of energy that winter guard puts in to their practice. So could you imagine what their competitions are like?

Winter guard had their first competition in Illinois, Jan. 27.

“Our theme was ‘Sleeping with the Television on’,” said Christian Tebeau, who is the team captain. “Our song was Billy Joel ‘Sleeping with the television on’.” Their uniforms were a yellow t-shirt with plaid bottoms.

“We were third out of seven, and fifth out of 16,” said freshman Alliesa Howard. If you missed their competition, you can watch it again Feb. 3 here at Liberty, from 6-9 p.m. The only difference between the competition and this upcoming showcase is that they may or may not add something to their act, guess you’ll have to come and see for yourself.

Winter Guard practices from 5 to 8:30 p.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sometimes they also practice on Saturdays. Just knowing how long they practice should give you an idea of how close they are and how talented they are.
Liberty’s winter guard is like a family since they spend a lot of time together.

“We all look after each other. For example if someone doesn’t understand a trick we all take are time and help them through it so they can get a better understanding of it,” said freshman Eric Welker. Everyone pushes each other to help improve one another.

Liberty students should watch winter guard work their magic, and mesmerize you with their fluid movements. Their next performance is this Saturday at Liberty at 7 p.m.