Students Try To Understand Seniors Last Day Delay
Seniors weigh in on the two-week last day delay
Seniors have two more weeks of school left before their last day of school, which is longer than past years.
May 17, 2022
It is customary for seniors to be the first ones to soak up the first rays of summer sun during the summer break before the rest of the K-12 students get off. However, this year several senior students noticed that their last day was delayed further than expected.
“I am quite disappointed that seniors get out so late this year compared to past years,” Katelyn Shelton said.
Seniors of the Wentzville School District have their last day on May 27. This date is three school days before the rest of the school gets out. Typically, senior students would have their last days around the second week of May, which delays students’ last days around the district by two weeks. This change has come as a surprise to the class of ’22 and left them questioning why the new change?
“I really have zero idea. However, if I was guessing, it’s a state reporting minutes issue. We now start the year later than in previous years due to a Missouri state law. This then pushes back the end date,” assistant principal Dr. Kiely said.
The issue is assumed to be a change made by Central Office. Most students have mixed feelings about the switch, a few seniors are upset by the change. Senior Camille Grimes remains upset and confused about the change.
“It is not fair to the seniors who already have their plans for after high school set up. There is absolutely no reason for us to be going to school this late in May,” Grimes said.
Other students aren’t very bothered by the change and are grateful to spend a few extra moments with their peers and teachers.
“Like any senior, I’m ready to go,” senior Julia Amery said. “Yes, I’m upset that the date is pushed back later than it has been in the past, but I’ve been doing this for 13 years now, what’s a couple more days added on? Looking on the bright side, it gives me a chance to say goodbye to everyone and everything.”