The Library – A New Nest Time Favorite
The library is offering many activities during NEST Time
Will Rentfro and Carson Hack play checkers in the library Soar Time.
October 7, 2022
The Library offers many Nest Time activities such as therapy dogs, make and takes, and more. All you have to do is fill out a form the Monday before in order to participate in the Library’s Thursday activities.
There are numerous benefits of the library’s Nest Time activities.
“I think it is an opportunity for students to kind of take a break during the day, we try to vary the activities we do each week from therapy dogs and make and takes and we´re just trying to give students another opportunity during Nest Time,” library media specialist Ms. Olivia said. “We’re just trying to give students another opportunity outside of spending time in their classroom. Especially if they have their work done.”
Ms. Oliva spoke about some of the make and take opportunities.
“The first one we did was we made custom bookmarks. So we had pressed flowers in book pages and we made those into bookmarks. We’re going to be doing mini pumpkin decorating in October,” she said.
There are several opportunities to participate in activities at the library during Nest Time.
“We are kind of an open space which means you can play board games, you can play puzzles together,” she said.
Sophomore Layla Awadallah participated in the Coaster Make and Take last year.
“I enjoyed the slow pace and the chill environment. I liked the materials,” she said.
The librarians do ask, that everyone puts their phone in a locker during Nest Time.
There are many library related activities that you can participate in outside of Nest Time including the 10 Challenge, which you can learn more about on the library’s website.