For most students it was just another Thursday but for seniors it’s their first senior tradition in a long line leading to graduation. Being a senior means you have one more year to make you mark. One more year to be a kid and to do the dumb, creative, fun and adventurous stuff before going off to live the next chapter of your life. And the staff here at Liberty see the hard work they have put into these four years and are honored to give them lasting memories before they leave. And it all starts with Senior Sunrise.

This year’s Senior Sunrise started off like any other as the seniors went to the football field to get their well deserved gold paper crowns. Then they were welcomed to doughnuts and delicious coffee from Tom’s Traveling Coffee. The seniors loved the doughnuts of course but the coffee was a fan favorite. “Free coffee” is what Allison Schmelz said when asked what the best part of Senior Sunrise was. Aside from the coffee and donuts, many admired the sun because of course you can have a Senior Sunrise without the sun. Not only that, but there was some debate whether the sun was orange or pink. But as said by Leilani Green, “sun looks good” which is the most important thing all around.
Along with the chill crisp morning environment, there were a few things to do on the field. There was a table set up with a huge sign and bright markers for all the seniors to sign as the class of 2024. A few people even played some volleyball as the sun started to rise. It was truly a sight to see all the seniors on the field talking, laughing, playing games, listening to music or just enjoying the view and taking in the moment. You could see the sun just peering over the tree line as “Our song” by Taylor Swift was playing over the speakers. When asked what was going through her head during senior sunrise, Leah Dunlap replied “It’s weird to think I’ll be graduating with these people in a few months.¨
It is weird to wake up one morning and realize you only have so much time left as a high school student.
“You never know it’s gonna be over this fast till it’s here,” Emma Thomas said.
This year’s Senior Sunrise, although like all the others, still means something to each and every one of these seniors. Some go and say “I’m excited to leave,” and some go and say “can’t believe it’s my last year.” But either way it means something and is a great way to start the beginning of their last year here at Liberty.