Twice a year, thousands of students from all across the United States, and even Canada and England, come together in excitement to learn more about journalism in the professional world. After being held in San Francisco, Calif.. in late April of this year, the fall 2023 JEA/NSPA convention was hosted in Boston, Mass. and took place from Nov. 2-5.
For this convention, a total of 11 students spanning all grade levels, freshman through senior, attended this event
With representatives from many different colleges, including Emerson College, University of Missouri-Columbia, Northwestern and Penn State, students were able to learn more about the journalism degree programs offered at each of the schools. Along with the universities, major publication companies attended the convention, such as Herff Jones, Jostens, Walsworth, and even School Newspapers Online.

During this convention, attendees go various sessions, workshops, critiques and competitions. Senior Liz Hayes was able to teach a session called “How to build a broadcast with a small staff” and educate people on how a broadcast program can be started with minimal equipment and staff. This was Hayes’ second time teaching this session at the national level.
“Teaching the first time, I didn’t think it was going to be as fun as it was,” Hayes said. “Even though it was nerve wracking, it was an adrenaline rush I liked, and I got feedback from people about the work that I do at Liberty is good work so it helped build my confidence.”
Not only did the students learn a lot about journalism, but they also learned a lot about the rich history of Boston.
On the first full day there, the students toured around the city and visited many iconic spots, including Fenway Park, the Paul Revere House, the U.S.S. Constitution, and Quincy Market.
Jackson Adams is the only freshman on the yearbook staff this year and attended the trip.
“My biggest takeaways were to be open to meeting new friends and make the most of wherever you travel,” Adams said.
Many of the students on the trip have attended previous JEA/NSPA conventions before and noticed the difference Boston had compared to previous cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles.
“Boston was very different in that it was a very quiet city,” senior Sydney Davis said. “You were able to have a conversation without screaming.”
One of the requirements of attending this conference is that every attendant must compete in a competition of their choosing. With a wide variety of competitions, ranging from photography and videography to caption writing and news ethics, there is something for everyone.
Below are the awards that LHS Publications won at the 2023 Fall JEA/NSPA conference. More than 4,000 students participated in the convention events.

Journalism Education Associations National Student Media Contest Awards
Jackson Adams- Excellent: First-Year Photo
Braden Altrup- Excellent: Videography
Sydney Davis- Honorable Mention: Yearbook Sport Caption Writing
National Scholastic Press Association Awards
Yearbook Best of Show (232-276 pages)- Fourth Place: The 2022-2023 Talon Yearbook Staff
Broadcast Feature Story– Third Place: Shae Earle, Megan Geisler, Courtney Jefferson, Jacorrion Leach, Parker Sethaler