Thousands of Missouri high school students come together for a few days each year to learn more about acting, improv, technical designs, and much more. The annual Missouri State Thespian Conference, also known as ThesCon, was held in Kansas City from Jan. 4-6. Liberty took 23 students spanning all grades to the conference.
The planning of this statewide convention began the previous year with the help of the STOs (State Thespian Officer) that were elected in the fall of 2022. Each year, there is also a state leadership conference held in Jefferson City, Mo. in which executive board members of troupes from around Missouri come together to support each other and learn about ways they can improve their troupe.
There are several important things that happen at this leadership meeting including Honor Troupe Presentations, which is a critique on the activities that the theater troupe does to see if they meet the requirements to be noted as an Honor Troupe at the state convention. Liberty received this distinction again, surpassing many of the requirements.
Not only that, STO candidates are also in the final round, and four members are elected by fellow executive members for the following year. Last year, then junior, now senior, Madeline Claravall was elected as one of four STOs for the 2023-2024 academic year, which is the first time a Liberty student has been elected.
“This year we really wanted to focus on making the conference more spirited,” Claravall said. “The other STOs and I really rallied for an intergalactic disco theme this year, which gave us a lot of flexibility and room to be spirited.” As opposed to last year’s theme, “Once Upon a Time” which was focused on fairy tales, this year’s theme was “Galactic Groove” and focused on outer space and elements of the disco era.
For some people like Claravall, this is not their first time attending the convention. But for others like junior Mackenzie Reddick, this is their very first time.
“I wanted to go to ThesCon this year after seeing photos of it from the previous year,” Reddick said. “I knew I would miss out if I didn’t go.”
Students at the convention have the opportunity to do various activities, ranging from seeing a full length production, taking part in an acting workshop, and even auditioning for various colleges.
Like many state conferences, many memories are made with the people around you on the trip.
“My favorite memory of going to ThesCon was when I went running from building to building outside to take pictures in the snow,” Reddick said. “I was freezing but it was so worth it.”