A little over a week ago, the popular video game Fortnite Battle Royale had released its 32nd season, “Lawless!” and fans have been enjoying the new season a lot.
With every new season comes new locations, and “Lawless!” definitely didn’t disappoint. Here are all the new locations that have been added.
Crime City is a town location that has a raining ambience to it once entered. The location has a bunch of stores and buildings all close together, with a lot of graffiti and barrels on fire in the town. The town has a bank in it that has a vault, which players can open for gold bars, healing items, and epic and legendary weapons. Many players come to Crime CIty so it’ll be a bloodbath if you choose to land at this location.
Another new location is named Outlaw Oasis, a Japanese-styled spa location with five buildings with two spa pools in the middle. Four spa pools surround the location. This location is the more simple poi out of the four new locations on the map, however, players still like to land at this location, so be ready to quickly find a weapon to fight.
Shiny Shafts is a large mineshaft poi that has mine caves, gold, and close mine buildings. It is the largest location that was added this season. The location has cave tunnels with mineshafts, rails, and minecarts. This is a good location to farm metal materials, since most of the buildings are made of metal. This location is a bit big, and a little hard to move around in, which means it isn’t as popular as the other locations, but is still a great place to land at.
The fourth and final new location is called Lonewolf Lair. This poi is a big, black and gold mansion with a road made of gold leading to the mansion. Lonewolf Lair replaced Lost Lake, a location in the previous season. Fortnite players know that Lost Lake had a giant head statue in the lake, which is now under the mansion with a glass floor showing it. Lonewolf Lair is a popular location with lots of chests and loot. There is an enemy boss at this location named Fletcher Kane, the new wolf skin in this season. Once eliminated, Kane drops his mythic mammoth pistol and the Unstoppable Medallion. This location has lots of players dropping here so be prepared to fight immediately once you land.
A few new weapons have returned and have been removed, and there are some. Let’s see what weapons have been removed.
The Oni Shotgun, Fury AR, Ranger AR, Surgefire SMG, Explosive Repeater Rifle, Railgun, Hunting Rifle, Void Mask, Fire Mask, Typhoon Blade, Kinetic Blade, Chug Splashes, Shield Keg, and the Chilli Chugs Splashes have all been removed from this seasons loot pool.
While many items and weapons have been removed from the loot pool, there have been a lot of new items and weapons added to the new season. Some of these include Thermites, the Plasma Burst Laser, Collateral Damage AR, Falcon Eye Sniper, Outlaw Shotgun, The Kneecapper, the Port-A-Cover, and the Gold Splashes just to name a few.
Fortnite players are excited about the new weapons and features.
Jaxon Logan (10) loves the kneecapper baseball bat because he can hit a homerun on people and make them fly into the storm and get eliminated.
“Me personally, I like to bully little children that play fortnite. It’s very funny whenever I use the Kneecapper because it launches people in the air, and it does fall damage,” Logan said.
Aidan Cleary (11) is very excited about Subzero being in the new battle pass
“Subzero is here. I am super excited,” Cleary said.
Fortnite Lawless! had a strong start, and players hope that Epic Games will continue to update the map and storyline to keep this season great.