Birds Of A Different Feather

Eagles beat Washington in return back home

Eric Mason

The Eagles defense gets ready for the Blue Jays offense.

Donny Robinson, Reporter

The Eagles finally returned home after three road games in a row and how fitting that it was the “homecoming” game.

The week was hyped up as homecoming was on the rise along with the game against the Washington Blue Jays whose homecoming they ruined a year ago in a 55-17 victory. Liberty lost against Washington two years ago in their homecoming game at Liberty 27-0 but the Eagles made sure that didn’t happen again as they took a 20-7 victory going into homecoming.  The Eagles improve to 3-2.                                                                         

The first quarter was pretty uneventful other than seeing that the man, the myth, the legend Mr. Wheeler was one of the referees for the game. Neither team scored which motivated the Eagles to get down to it and score.

The Eagles started the quarter by forcing the Blue Jays to punt but Washington’s Kaden Golic couldn’t boot it off in time and attempted to run with it until Zach Dotson tackled him.

Arrington got off on a 15 yard keeper to position the Eagles at the Blue Jays 46 yard line. Liberty couldn’t get much more after that as they were forced to punt.

Washington’s quarterback Logan Roewe was nearly intercepted by Mitchell Eckhardt. Running back Johnny Duncan gets 8 yards next putting the Blue Jays at 3rd and 2. Liberty then gives Washington a first down as they were called offsides. A few plays later at 3rd and 12, Grant Baker leaps on the Blue Jays quarterback for a Troy Polamalu esque sack ultimately bringing Washington to punt.

The Eagles offense gets nowhere and boots it away back to Washington but quickly get the ball back after Zach Dotson intercepts a pass and returns it 13 yards. At 1:12, the time had come for the Eagles to score and that’s what they did at the 17 yard line when Arrington threw a 17 yard dime to Tyler Cotton on a fade route. Josh Paubel’s extra Point attempt was no good though after the score. At 1:12 Liberty led Washington 6-0 and that’s how the rest of the quarter would be as the game went into halftime.

Halftime by the way did feature Liberty football player Nick Lovell being crowned homecoming king.

The third quarter began and was going a little slow until Blue Jays quarterback Bryce Kazmaier ran in 6 yards for 6 points at 5:05. Blaine Straatmann’s extra point kick was good after the score.

With 5:05 sitting in the third quarter, Washington now stands over Liberty 7-6.

At 4:57, Liberty had the ball back with a first down and was not wasted at all as Arrington threw to Cotton again but this time for 50 yards with a facemask called on Washington the same play adding 15 yards. Now at the Blue Jays 15 yard line, the Eagles are looking for another score. Arrington fumbled two plays later and the Blue Jays recovered. The Eagles defense put up the blockade real quick after the turnover forcing a punt on Washington.

Arrington found a whole back on offense and went through it for a 70 yard sprint but was short lived when the Eagles found out that it didn’t count because of a block in the back caused by them. The Eagles moved up the field and then what might possibly be the best play in school history happened. Arrington tossed the ball to Cotton once again for an insane 25 yard one handed catch that set up the Eagles on the 2 yard line. The last time an amazing one-handed catch happened at Liberty, it was Brian Jones 3 years ago against Bishop DuBourg on the same side of the field but in the other corner.

The third quarter ended on a high note with Tyler Cotton’s OBJ way to catch a ball but that certainly wasn’t going to be the last thing Liberty was going to do.

The Eagles were trying to get into the endzone and were brought to 4th and 1 but they pushed all their chips in and went for it which resulted in Donavan Arrington force himself in for a 1 yard touchdown run. That was not all though as Liberty called for a two point conversion that saw Arrington completing a pass to Jarrin McKeithen. The Eagles were now back on top at 11:58 forcing the Blue Jays to trail 14-7.

The Blue Jays had a promising play as Johnny Duncan had a 70 yard run for a touchdown that was taken back for holding. Washington’s drive didn’t last much longer though as they punted in the game again.

The Eagles had the ball back but the Blue Jays pulled the same thing forcing Liberty to punt.

Washington had a tough time on their drive being at 4th and 4 which they had gone on and were stopped ending in a turnover.

Arrington wanted his boys to get back into the endzone with a 35 yard run to the Blue Jays 17 yard line. Now at 2:01 the ball was handed off to Ben Adelsberger as he powered his way in for a touchdown. The Eagles tried going for two again with a fake hold by McKeithen who attempted to hit up Reed Sutton but was incomplete. Even with the failed two point conversion, the Eagles still kept a lead on the Blue Jays 20-7.

Adelsberger’s touchdown wasn’t enough for him clearly as he wrapped up the game by tossing Washington’s Kazmaier for a sack and a turnover.

With 37 seconds left, Arrington took a knee to seal the win for the Eagles on homecoming night. A win that Daniel Hempen described as “great.” The final score was 20-7 giving Liberty the revenge they needed from two years ago.

Their next game is on Friday Sept. 28 in what is going to be the most anticipated game of the year against Timberland in what is known as “Rivalry Week”.

The Eagles look to beat the Timberland Wolves for the first time in program history. It’s going to be a big game for sure as the game will more than likely be packed in what will also be a battle of the student sections with Liberty’s blackout vs Timberland’s whiteout.

For more on the rivalry week, check out Nick Howard’s story right here!

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