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Student News of Liberty High School


Student News of Liberty High School


Student News of Liberty High School


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EOC: Extremely Overburdened Class

Seniors and their struggle to survive through EOC block schedule week
Avery Bowen
Some seniors not used to the early mornings, struggle on their way to school

As the end of the school year approaches, it can only mean one thing: the dreaded EOC testing schedule.

This schedule is arguably the worst class schedule in the Wentzville School District. You only have three classes per day, and the order that you have them is even worse. One day you’ll have third hour first, and the next you start your day with the eighth hour. This schedule is hard on the whole school but it especially affects one grade specifically, the seniors.

As a senior, you get the perk of choosing to having a late start or an early release added to your day. However, the EOC block schedule defeats that advantage, as it rearranges the schedule completely. Some days, third hour is the first block of the day, meaning the late start seniors who have a third hour are unable to sleep in and arrive late.

“The EOC block schedule made my routine less ideal since I had to be here at the very start of the school day for most of the week instead of having my usual late start,” senior Aicha Beye said. “That said, I liked getting to arrive/leave two hours late/early a few times.”

The nice advantage of the schedule gives the EOC testers a good chance to start and finish their tests, without the interruption of the bells. In spite of that, as a senior you don’t have any official EOC’s, so this schedule can be draining for those who have nothing to do.

“The worst part was having to do two straight hours of notes and assignments in some of my classes,” Beye said. As a senior with only a few AP tests, most of her days consist of long, ongoing classes, with little motivation or focus. She also mentioned that by the end of most days she was mentally drained and exhausted.

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About the Contributors
Rachel Church
Rachel Church, Reporter
Rachel Church is a junior and this is her second year in the publications program. She also is in drama club and helps with many performances that take place in the theater. Outside of school, she likes listening to music, hanging out with friends, and going to Target. After high school, she plans on studying film in the hopes of working in the film industry.

Avery Bowen
Avery Bowen, Reporter
Avery Bowen is a junior and this is their first year in publications. She is also involved in drama club working as a crew head for set. Outside of school, Avery can usually be found quietly drawing in their room or taking a nap. When not hanging out in her room, Avery is outside in nature walking along her backyard creek and fishing. After high school they plan on studying wildlife biology at an out-of-state college. 

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