Public school vs. homeschool. Deciding which one to go to is sometimes very difficult. You have to pick one that is right for you and your situation. In order to decide, it helps to lay out the options for both public and homeschool. In order to help you make the big decision, below are the benefits for both homeschool and public school.
Public School
“It is important to have time around peers,” said counselor Mrs. Miller. Public school kids have more opportunity to have social interaction than homeschool kids. On top of that, kids love routine, and while homeschool could have that, it puts a ton of pressure on the parents who are teaching their kids. Public school is also cheaper than homeschool. “You could end up spending over $1,000 or more on curriculum alone,” according to Public School Review. With inflation on the rise, public school is a much cheaper option. In public school, you have more options for electives such as art and music. “Tons of opportunities can be provided,” Mr. Nelson said.
However, in homeschool, your elective opportunities will be limited due to the quantity and quality of the resources you have. Also, teachers in public schools are certified teachers with education degrees. They probably have more experience working and teaching children. They have gone through training and lots of college in order to teach. This is why public school provides a good quality education. So, if you are looking for a cheap, routine, social, extracurricular education, with certified teachers, then public school is for you.

There are some things that homeschool can offer that public schools can not. “Public school options in the area may not offer the preferred degree of educational quality,” Public School Review said. In public school, parents can not choose what is being taught in the classroom. They can not choose how the curriculum is being taught and the quality of which it is taught. “I had better education in homeschool,” sophomore William Rentfro said. At home, parents have the freedom to choose what to teach their children. In addition, public schools may not teach your religious beliefs. In homeschool, parents can incorporate religion into what is being taught. You can choose what information your kid is learning, and how they are learning it. Unlike public school, homeschool does not need a strict routine.
“Homeschool is good because you can learn whatever you want and you can decide how long your day is,” said Jayden Smith, a homeschool student. Schooling a kid at home saves you time. For example, let’s say you live 10 minutes from the public school. That would be 40 minutes of your time gone every day. 20 minuets in the morning, and 20 in the afternoon. The average school year in Missouri is 174 days, meaning in total, parents will have spent more than 116 hours driving their kids to and from school every school year. That totals to 116 hours of time just to bring your kids to school. Homeschool provides an aspect of freedom that public school does not. So, if you are looking for a safe, parent led, one-on-one education with the ability to choose your curriculum and learning style, then homeschool is the type of education for you.
So, which is better? Homeschool or public school? “It is up to the parents and the students,” Mr. Nelson said. So what’s the answer? The answer is: both are equally good. Each has their own benefits and negatives. In the end, you have to pick whatever education is best for you and your situation. As long as you get a good quality education, then it does not matter which one you choose. Just choose one that is right for you.