This Is Such A Punny Story

Student creates a new pun everyday

Allison Holtschlag

Senior Cameron Jones writes another pun for the day.

Allison Holtschlag, Reporter

Most teacher assistants may seem to not do much, but for seniors Cameron Jones, it’s just the opposite.

“I’ve always liked her (Ms. Borders) classes,” Jones said. He wanted to find a way to make her laugh or smile, and he found that puns were the answer.

Jones started the puns his junior year.

“I found something witty to say to her everyday, and now becoming her assistant, I decided to make it a tradition,” Jones said.

Ms. Borders lets him have the front board in her classroom to write them all down.

“The students look forward to the puns and have also helped out with some,” Borders said. The puns happen everyday.

Borders has also mentioned that if there is not a new pun, she gets sad because she looks forward to them. Even through all the puns, Jones is an amazing assistant.

“I’ve had others, but none like him, he’s the greatest ever,” Borders said. She has had Jones for three years and has made a big impact on him. He will typically help her stay organized and help with anything when it comes to things like Key Club.

Although it is Jones’s senior year, there will never be enough puns to make him or Borders laugh. Through the funny ones, and the ones that are so ridiculous they make you laugh, he will always make sure there is a new one every single day. If you would like to help and give him some ideas go to Starting out with one pun, to now having more than 60, he will always have a new one to make everyone laugh.

Some of my favorites:

“I used to be a banker, but I lost interest.”

“There was a crossed-eyed teacher who couldn’t control her pupils.”

“5/4 people admit they are bad at fractions.”

“My mom told me to not steal kitchen utensils, but that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.”

“Why can’t a pirate say the alphabet? Because he gets lost at sea.”

“Sign language is pretty handy.”

“What’s Socrates favorite thing to mold? Plato.”

“So what if I don’t know what apocalypse means! It’s not the end of the world.”

“I fell into a well because I didn’t see that well.”

“I’ve been to the dentist a lot, I know the drill.”