Summer Plans

Students and teachers alike are marking their calendars for summer 2019.

Mr. Creen

The sun is rising over Liberty, creating a beautiful scenery.

Julia Bailey, Reporter

Summer is sneaking up on students, and after all these EOCs and finals you’ll be free to go. Everyone is already making plans, but some are anxiously waiting to pack for fun vacations and activities in the warm months ahead.

Sophomore Alison Lough is anticipating an overseas school trip to Europe.

“I’m excited about going to Amsterdam and seeing the Eiffel Tower,” Lough said.

As well as traveling, Lough is going to be working at Garden Villas Retirement Home as a waitress.

“When I return I’m going to be working five days a week. I’ll probably save the money for college and my future,” Lough said.

Accounting teacher Mr. Jarrett has his calendar fully booked June and July.

“My son is getting to go to some really neat camps this summer. One of them has a flight center where on the last day he gets to go up on a plane and actually fly it,” Jarrett said.

Other than being excited about his son’s activities, Jarrett has planned a few things for him and his family to do.

“I’m going to Michigan to play golf and to Utah for a conference. My family and I are also going to Big Cedar in Branson for a weekend around July 4th,” he said.

Junior Raelyn Snow’s summer is very family based.

“The day after school ends, I think June 1st, I’m going to Florida for a family vacation. Then at the end of July I’m going on a girls trip with my mom to Las Vegas. There’s a convention there and I’ll help my mom sell jewelry,” Snow said.

Snow also works at Texas Roadhouse, and is using the money to save up for a white Jeep.

No matter what you’re doing this summer, have fun and be safe. Leave your school worries behind and let loose.