A Day In The Life Of An Onlineschooler
Freshman Shelby Hunt is online schooled
Shelby Hunt on her pony, Gus.
May 10, 2019
Most teens daily schedules are based around school. Although that is not the case for freshman Shelby Hunt.
Trying to dedicate more hours to her love for horses, Hunt is online schooled. This allows her schedule open for anything she needs, whether that’s horse shows, taking care of her younger brother or just doing daily house chores.
“It was my parents’ decision to switch to online schooling because private schools are really expensive here; it also helped give more time to my sport (horseback riding),” Hunt said.
Hunt has been onlined schooled for almost a full year now, and although many wish they could be homeschooled, it’s not all as glamorous as it seems. Hunt spends her day doing four hours of school work, watching over her younger brother and all of her pets.
Hunt starts the day waking up at 8 a.m. then proceeds to her school work. Around noon, Hunt is all finished with her school work and then moves on to the next things on her list.
“After finishing my school work, I will then either watch my brother if I have to, spend some time on my phone, or I’ll head out to the barn for a ride. It all depends on what’s that days to-do list is. Everyday is different and everyday I have different things to do,” Hunt said.
Although online schooling gives you the freedom to pick when and where or how you do your school work, there are drawbacks such as teachers not answering emails as fast and teachers not being able to explain or help as much.
“I would way rather be going to private school than anything cause it’s more help than online, but still smaller classes. However, I do enjoy the freedom I get from this opportunity,” Hunt said.
As for now, Hunt is online schooled to help make room for her sport (horseback riding) and hopes to process farther into the horse world faster due to all the time she has on her hands due to online schooling.