Long Road to Victory

Staff members Mr. Eldredge and Mr. Glavin take part in an unforgettable race

Sarah Downs

Mr. Eldredge (left) and Mr. Glavin (right) pose with the medal they won for the race back in 2020.

Lauren Spakowski, Co-editor-in-Chief

In 10 years where do you see yourself? Are you still pursuing the same passions you did when you were in high school or college? Are you still seeing the same friends you had back then? 

For some of us the answer may be yes, no, or we really have no clue; but for staff members Mr. Eldredge and Mr. Glavin it is a definite yes.

During the summer the two men, who have been avid runners most of their lives, put together a team and took part in one of the four events of the Shippey Endurance Runs, the 100-mile relay race. 

“It sounded awesome,” Mr. Eldredge said. “It was a trail race and we’d never done a relay like that, or I had not, so we thought it would be fun.” 

The relay race started at 7 a.m. on Friday, Aug 2 and took place at the Beaumont Scout Reservation in High Ridge. On each team there would be five runners and each person had to run at least one leg out of a total of 25. Each time a member of the team would reach their designated checkpoint, they would switch off with someone else until all 25 legs were completed. During this race each person ran about 20 miles. 

In this case, with it being such a long race, there are things that are bound to go wrong. 

“I got dehydrated,” Mr. Eldredge said. “I was fortunate that I had a long break between two of my legs that I ran and I cooled off and consumed a lot of fluids and ate.” 

Additionally this race checked off a list of firsts for the runners. 

“I had never really done a really long race before. Broken up it’s not really doing it by myself but I’ve never run with a head lamp and running in the dark, that was my biggest fear going in,” Mr. Glavin said. 

However, in the end the team came on top to win the whole race. 

Their team, Team Reunited, finished with an overall time of 14 hours and 40 minutes, crushing the second place team who came in with a time of 15 hours and 29 minutes. 

“I thought it was a ton of fun,” Mr. Glavin said. “We had Coach Sacre with us who used to be a chemistry teacher and track and cross country coach here, and a couple of older friends of ours from college. It was just fun, we had a great time doing it. It was hard but it was a blast.” 

If given the chance the two men agreed that they would take part in it once more. 

“As good as it worked out I would do it again next year,” Mr. Eldredge said.