Loco for HoCo

Students share their stress of homecoming

Lucy Hunter

Makayla Holland thinks about everything that needs to be done for homecoming.

Allison Apollo and Lucy Hunter

Homecoming, one of the most important moments of any student’s high school career. It’s a time where freshmen start to get into the swing of things and start to loosen up. But as soon as it’s only days away, homecoming turns into something else.

“Having to make sure that you have friends to go with and plans that are for sure and won’t get canceled last minute, making plans everyone can agree with,” freshman Makayla Holland said as she explains her stress of homecoming. “I think it does [being a freshman during homecoming] because we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into or what we should expect.” 

For freshmen, this is their first dance. A milestone in their lives. Planning is the most stressful thing, planning where to eat, planning who you’re going with, planning what colors you’re going to wear, etc. 

This stress just doesn’t apply to the newcomers of high school, it also applies to the people who are leaving, the seniors. 

Janna Stevenson, one of many seniors, shares her stress.

“I would consider homecoming stressful,” Stevenson said. “The plans for dinner and pictures for homecoming can be stressful. For example, we had a change of plans for our dinner and pictures last minute. With the number of people we had, a lot of people were running late and not everyone fit in one car.”

Being a senior, these people are experiencing their last major high school events. They are having some of their last milestones. There’s the stress of just having one final good moment with your friends. 

At first glance, it seems that it’s just another school dance that everyone is buzzing about but in reality, it’s not. Whether you are a freshman who is just getting a feel for everything or a senior who’s experienced, it’s still stressful no matter who you are.