More Than Just A Club, But A Community
What is Key Club and why you should join?
Key Club members count up money for there annual Trick or Treat for UNICEF project.
February 12, 2020
Key Club is a place for anyone and everyone. This is a student-led club in which members take their community and environment around them, and take action to help what needs to be helped. This can include nearby charities and mainly within the school.
The only requirement to be in Key Club, which is a part of the Kiwanis International family of Service Leadership Programs, is to do service.
“We want to help people within our community, and make connections with other people while we’re at it,” sophomore Sruthi Ramesh said.
Key Club here at our school level is about a 52 member group that works on youth and community service, so they try to do a lot of projects that can be done at meetings, and at school.
“It allows more people to be able to participate, mainly because we have a lot of sophomores and freshmen who can’t drive yet,” Ms. Borders said, who has sponsored the club since its beginning at Liberty.
Sometimes Key Club goes off-campus and does things over the weekend, such as meal packing.
“We’ve done Meals Against Hunger several times, we’ve done Ronald McDonald house visits where they made families there with their kids that are receiving medical care, meals and help clean up and play with the kids, and talk with the families,” Borders said. “It all kind of depends on how every year is different, depending on what service is available to us. There are some constant things that we do, like Trick or Treat for UNICEF, which is something that we know is going to happen every year. It’s a big project where they try to raise money, and that money is sent to UNICEF to eliminate neonatal tetanus. One big event second semester Key Club hosts is the talent show in January.
“The thing about Key Club is that it’s bigger than just our chapter,” Ramesh said. “It’s about the network of impact we have at our fingertips. But the beauty of it, is that if chapters like us didn’t exist, there would be no organization.”
If you are interested in joining Key Club, “Do it!” Borders exclaims. “We’re very flexible, I like to say that we’re like the gateway club. You don’t have to get a teacher recommendation, we don’t check your GPA, we just ask you to come to all of the meetings if you can, and try to make it to our services.”
“I always tell people who want to join, or even our members, to bring a friend. We will never turn anyone away from doing a service project, or helping other people. We don’t care about your membership to that level, but if you want to just dip in when you can, we say ‘come on,’ ” she adds.
The next Key Club meeting will be on Feb. 12, after school in Room 226.