Objection, Your Honor

The mock trial team takes a win against Lutheran South in their second round of the 2020 Competition Season

LHS mock trial

The mock trial team competed in two rounds at the St. Louis County Courthouse against Jefferson City and Lutheran South in early 2020.

Lucy Hunter, Reporter

Facing off against Lutheran South at the St. Louis County Courthouse on Feb. 20 proved to be a challenge for the mock trial team. With only two members on the jury, there were high stakes to make a good case and get the win.

As opening statements began, both teams made compelling arguments for who should be placed at fault for the mock-incident. Evidence is one of the most important things to remember when doing a mock trial. It’s all about being able to support your claim. Additionally, if the correct pleasantries in court are not used, points are docked off.

During closing statements, this was the last chance to get the final comments as to why the jury should sway to their side. The use of feeling vs. facts was one of many points touched upon during the trial, and it all came to a head in the closing. 

The entire mock trial team worked together to pull out a win against Lutheran South, 107-93. LHS placed sixth out of 58 schools in the second round.

“I can’t breathe right now… but that was fun,” sophomore Sruthi Ramesh, a Defense lawyer, said once the trial had concluded. 

The victory against Lutheran South was in the second round for this season, and the first win for the mock trial team.

“Overall this has been an incredible experience that helped me feel more comfortable speaking in public and gave me acting experience outside of the theatre. I am so proud of what this team was able to accomplish,” junior Brooke Huffman said once the team had found out they won that night. She was a Witness, meaning she had to memorize her deposition (for the given character) and give a testimony on the day of.

The team gained experience a couple of week earlier on Jan. 30 when they went to the St. Louis County Courthouse for their first round of mock trial. The Plaintiff faced off against Jefferson High School in the first round of the competition.

Throughout the trial, the judge and jury had to come to a decision based on the evidence provided by our team and the other team. Lawyers must call witnesses to the stand to testify in front of the jury. Then, once questioned by their side, the other side has a chance to cross-examine. The trial took three hours in total for both sides to get through all their witnesses, with a small break in between.

“You have to have a really good idea of the (given) depositions because if you don’t, people try to sneak bad questions through and you need to object to those,” freshman Amanda Speciale explains

At the end of the trial, the verdict was given by the judge and jury and Liberty lost, 111-106. Even though the team did not win, this was their first year competing and to come so close against a seasoned team shows potential for growth amongst members.  

I think the kids were as prepared as they knew how to be for their first time. I think next year they’ll have a better idea of how to prepare and they’ll be better competitors, but overall Dean and I were very excited and proud of the kids,” Mrs. Franke said when asked how she felt about the event. 

The mock trial team plans on competing in the event again next year. Most of the members want to stay on the team though they are always open to new members. If you are interested in joining the team for next year, contact Mrs. Franke in room 206.