What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

As this year is coming to a close, we think of years before

Sabryn Gibson

Everyone at some point in their lives has wished they could go back in time to when they were a kid and life wasn’t so complicated.

With the new year creeping up on us, many are feeling nostalgic- reminiscing on memories from their childhood, and wishing they could go back.

Everyone at some point in their lives has wished they could go back in time to when they were a kid and life wasn’t so complicated. But what if you could go back in time and give your younger self some advice, what would it be? 

Many people’s answers to this question look familiar, saying to not waste this time and to just enjoy being a kid. Some would even warn their younger self of the trouble to come. Personally, my advice would be to not be so afraid and take chances, get into trouble while the consequences aren’t major.

“I would tell my younger self to be okay with doing nothing and use this time when we don’t have to think about everything,” sophomore Grayce Page said. 

As teenagers, we are in this in-between stage of being a kid and turning into an adult. Half of us are terrified to grow up and the other half can’t wait to get out into the world. Something most of us have in common is wishing that we spent more time just being a kid and not having to worry about everything we do now. 

“I guess I would tell myself to not care what people think and do things for myself,” sophomore Kyndall Stubblefield said.

With all this being said, I am still a kid, and we still have a lot to learn and experience. So here is a list of advice maybe you could use yourself.

  • Do what makes YOU happy.
  • Try not to care about what other people think.
  • Don’t do something if you’re not ready.
  • Don’t let other people tell you who to be.
  • Be genuine.
  • Welcome rejection (it’s a part of life).
  • Listen more to the people around you.
  • Don’t let other people affect your happiness.
  • Follow your passion.
  • Don’t take everything too seriously.
  • Confidence is key, people are going to like you more if you like yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Learn to accept change.
  • Be spontaneous, don’t overthink it.
  • Don’t overload yourself.
  • School isn’t everything
  • Trust your instincts