Freshmen Views On High School

Students at Liberty talk about what it’s like being a freshman in high school

Brooke Ohearn

Transitioning from middle school and going into high school can cause a lot of change for most people. It can bring stress and anxiety, but for some the change is good.

Kylie Campbell (Brooke Ohearn)

High school can be a challenging time in life for many people. In the movies, we see all these stereotypes about jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, goth kids, and popular kids. High school is really just about preparing yourself for the real world, a future job, and/or college.

Transitioning from middle school and going into high school can cause a lot of change for most people. It can bring stress and anxiety, but for some the change is good.

“I was excited, but also pretty nervous to make friends,” freshman Kylie Campbell said. Her favorite part about Liberty is that it’s a really great and clean environment to be in. 

She loves all her teachers and describes them as kind, respectful and responsible as well. With high school comes many opportunities and freedom. 

“In high school you have way more freedom, and the teachers are less on you about certain things. In middle school the teachers would always be on you about assignments,” Campbell said. 

Jaiden Bickford (Brooke Ohearn)

High school is a way to put yourself out there in a way, and do things you love. Campbell’s goals for freshman year include getting good grades and to make friends. She also wants to progress more in Spanish and get better at Algebra.

Jaiden Bickford enjoys the teachers at Liberty, saying they are very nice and helpful. Some are strict while others are laid back.

“At first I thought it was gonna be fun but it was tough,” Bickford said.  

Bickford believes in high school. It’s a time to see who your true friends really are. She hopes in the near future, high school will help her get into a good four-year college to get a degree and become a zoologist. Her goals for freshman year include being a better student and person.

“I want to be more myself than what other people tell me to be,” Bickford said.