Workout On A Field Trip?

Girls weightlifting classes travel to Emerge Fitness to workout and learn yoga

provided by Ms. Kleiber

Senior Sophia Crecelius deadlifts during a workout at Emerge Fitness on the field trip .

Grace Richardson, Reporter

When going to a new gym, it can be uncomfortable. You may feel nervous or scared to meet new people and trainers. You may even be scared you can’t do the workout.

For girls who went on the field trip in their weight training class, it was all of that and more. On Oct. 21, the class went on a field trip to Emerge Fitness in St. Charles.

Carlie Boucher and Kaylie Brockmann work together to flip a tire outside of Emerge Fitness as part of their workout. (provided by Ms. Kleiber)

Trainer Keelin Russell had promised a safe supportive space for the girls, which is exactly what the gym was. She led the class through a strength and functional training workout.

Shae Earle, a sophomore who went to the gym, said that she was nervous at first, but once she got to the gym and met Keelin she was excited to workout.

Earle has stated the workout was hard, especially flipping the tire, but she had tons of fun doing it and felt great about it after. The class then went to Wapelhorst Park and enjoyed Jimmy John’s for lunch along with some yoga led by Ms. Hall.

“My favorite part of the day was eating Jimmy John’s with my friends,” Earle said. Other girls have claimed that their favorite part was eating and doing yoga at the park with their friends too.

Overall, the field trip was a hit. The girls got to do an amazing workout with friends and spend the day enjoying themselves. Should this become a yearly thing for these classes? P.E. teacher Ms. Hall hopes so. She said she enjoys showing the girls a new environment and how to gain confidence to do hard things and how this can benefit their social and mental health. 

“I was so impressed with the girls’ eagerness, focus, and level of maturity,” Hall said. “They not only showed confidence in a new environment but they did it with class, unity, and spirit. We had a blast and the day was an experience I’ll never forget.”