Reading in Style

Liberty library gets bicycles installed

KaMera Harper

Senior Alysan Amann is one of the first students to try out Liberty’s new bicycles.

KaMera Harper, Reporter

Some students have a hard time focusing on their work and to stop fidgeting with things while concentrating. The library is a quiet escape for students who want a silent work environment. Now, the Liberty library has several bikes with desktops installed so students can work on assignments and workout. The idea is that this should help students focus on their work more.

The process of installing the bikes all started when Ms. Oliva got the idea from another librarian she saw on Facebook.

The main purpose of the bikes is to exercise not only the brain but the the body.

“It’s about all around fitness and it’s also about just helping some of our students better focus as they read,” Oliva said. “Maybe, trying a new sort of environment that might allow them to read longer and just making reading as enjoyable as it can possibly be.”

There has been plenty of support throughout the process of trying to get the bikes. The Donors Choose organization has helped fund the bikes. The organization has a website where teachers may post classroom project requests and a donor can choose the projects they wish to support.

After the project is fully funded, the organization purchases the items and ships it directly to the school. The organization has many partners to fund projects such as Target, Staples and Disney. Another one of Donor’s Choose partners is Sonic and that was one of the biggest donors for the bikes. A supportive librarian also decided to donate.

Ms. Rosner’s husband wanted to support the idea and contributed too. Rosner feels that the bikes are a great addition to the library and possibly wants to try them herself.

“I think Ms. Oliva is super creative in finding new tools for kids and she does a lot of thinking outside the box,”  Ms. Rosner said.

The bikes have recently been set up in the library and students have enjoyed trying them out. Senior Alysan Amann enjoys the bikes and wishes they were there previously to use. Another senior, Kristopher Smith-Wilson, plans on trying the the bikes to see how they are.

“They are a good idea to help kids focus and be able to experience that,” Smith-Wilson said.

There are three bikes in the library set up for students and teachers to use. Expectantly, many students and staff will go try out the bikes to have overall focus and fitness.