Every year, FCCLA is set to start up their STAR projects. These projects take students multiple months, all the way up until their competition date later in January of the following year. But what exactly is STAR?
Senior Kiersyn Roberson is the FCCLA president and explains what STAR means.
“STAR means Students Taking Action with Recognition,” Roberson said. “It’s where FCCLA club members all have their projects compete against each other in regionals, state, and national competitions.”
Senior Paige Quinn is also a member of FCCLA and says there are multiple project categories.
“There is focus on children, interpersonal communications, there is promote and publicize which is what me and my partner, Gabby Medina, are doing. There are other personal categories as well,” Quinn said.

The project usually takes about three months or longer.
“We will be going up to Frontier and teaching their FACS class about FCCLA and the STAR projects so that the incoming students will know about what we do and hopefully, we can form a FCCLA club there,” Quinn said.
Starting an FCCLA club chapter over at Frontier Middle School would help the process of gaining members whenever they enter into high school.
FCCLA is a club where they do lots of projects/crafts that align with the FACS classes like culinary, fashion, and even child development. When competitions come around, they even get to travel as far as Seattle, which is where nationals is this year according to the official FCCLA website.
“We compete for medals in regionals, state, and then nationals if we make it that far,” Roberson said. “There are also scholarship opportunities we can win from competitions.”
These scholarships usually come from culinary institutes or even specific colleges if they are able to win one.
FCCLA is always welcome for others to join. It is run by Mrs. Pizzo and she has more information about the club, as well as forms to join, in her classroom.
“I love it,” Roberson said, “We got a few new freshmen this year who are very excited which makes the whole process really fun.”
“We even went to nationals my sophomore year which was amazing,” Quinn said.
FCCLA is always looking for interested people and their next meeting is on Nov. 17 which is a friendsgiving meeting. There is a post on their Instagram (@lhsfcclawsd) with more information about when and where that meeting will take place as well as a sign-up sheet for what food to bring.