How To Save A Life

98 units of blood were donated, making it the the most successful blood drive yet

Leah Miget

Junior Emily Gann checks in to donate blood with senior Laura Sanders and Mrs. Strathman.

McKenzie Bartels, Reporter

Not only do you get to miss class for a couple hours, but you also get to save lives for people that live in the community around us.

Donated blood is used for a wide range of circumstances whether that be for car accident victims, or for surgery…the need for it is always constant.  

The blood drive is run by HOSA and it’s an event that takes more than just a couple days preparation.

When asked how important donating blood is Mrs. Strathman, sponsor of HOSA, replied “Incredibly important, there’s a blood shortage right now and all blood goes to local hospitals.”

Last year 80 units were donated. This year that number increased tremendously and 98 units were collected, the most ever donated at Liberty.

Leah Miget
Mr. Wheeler doesn’t have a personal reason to donate blood but does it anyway because it’s a good thing to do.

When you donate blood, you actually end up saving not only one but three lives.

This makes a huge impact, being as 25 percent of people will end up needing a blood transfusion. It could end up being you that needs a transfusion, it could even end up being you years from now.

Junior Emily Gann said the whole experience was scary but it was also worth it.

“The anticipation is worse than actually donating but it was worth it,” Gann said.  

Even if you don’t have a personal reason to donate, it’s still a good thing to do, just ask Mr. Wheeler. He didn’t have a personal reason why he donated, he just felt that it was important.

“I just like to help people. It’s very important because it saves lives,” Wheeler said.  

The next time the blood drive comes around, make sure to sign up. Whether you believe it’s the right thing to do or you were asked by a friend, your contribution will be life saving.