Pep Assembly Kicks Off Basketball Game

A pep assembly was held on Friday, Jan. 25 to hype up the school for the events of the weekend

Paige Bostic and Sruthi Ramesh

Chris Randolph

Flyer and junior Bailey Crow holds up a “RED” sign during the cheer routine at the pep assembly.

Emily Bohn, Reporter

After a surprise snow day, students returned to school on Friday for a highly-anticipated pep assembly.

At the beginning of the perfect kick-off to the weekend and basketball game, senior hosts Aminhan Lobster and Megan McVey, announced the winners of the spirit week, with Josh Paubel (12) winning king and Abby Woods (12) winning queen.Mr. McFadden took top honors for the teachers.

Paubel said his favorite day of the past week had been twin day, Woods’ was PJ day, and McFadden’s was “any day that [he] could wear sweatpants.”

Lauren Spakowski
Winners of the spirit week sit in their reserved seats

Coach Sodemann then came to the middle of the floor to announce the Coaches vs Cancer game that would be taking place later that night. The goal of the event was to raise awareness for cancer and promote healthy living. Slips of paper were handed out to students as they entered the gym; and many wrote the names of their lost loved ones, holding them up when prompted. Nearly everyone in the gym had a bad past with cancer. Sodemann ended his speech with a moment of silence for the lives lost to cancer.

The cheerleaders took the stage next, performing a routine complete with flips and pom poms.

The winner of the candy guessing game was then announced to be sophomore Tavius Neistat.

The annual tradition of the parting of the red sea took place, with senior Zach Kerns running up the senior section as Moses.

Lauren Spakowski
Elaine Amery dances to “Say So” by Doja Cat

The games began with a TikTok dance battle, in which participants were called down from each grade. Freshman Gordo Garcia, sophomores Beyonca Scruton and Payton McCormick, junior Maliek Merrifield, and senior Elaine Amery came down from the stands to compete. They danced through three popular routines, with Amery reigning victorious in the end.

“Their moves were down pat,” Mr. Wheeler said after the show.

The teachers came to the floor to play a couples game with whiteboards, in which they would guess their significant other’s responses to a series of questions. The competition was between the Halls, McFaddens, and McMillens, with the McMillens guessing correctly on both rounds and winning the game.

Lauren Spakowski
What Disney character is your husband? Coach McMillen guesses his wife sees him as Gaston.

At last, the StuCo dance began, with choreography written by senior Aimee Weber. The group danced to a variety of candy-related songs, complete with two members doing the worm.

StuCo vice president senior Zach Kerns says pep assemblies are always a lot of fun, and this one was no different. “It went really well, and everyone seemed to love it,” Kerns said.