Triple The Talent

The 3rd annual talent show took place in the auditorium on Jan. 31 showcasing many talents

Jayce Haun

Haleigh McCune

Katie Harrison performs an action-packed drumming piece.

Ally Schniepp and Elizabeth Hamby

With snow days postponing auditions and also dress rehearsals, members of Key Club were in a time crunch to make sure the talent show could go on.

“We weren’t sure how many people would come, based on how much of the student body knew about it,” Key Club editor sophomore Sruthi Ramesh said. “We pulled in Mr. Nelson three days before, and we were more confident in having a reason for people to come, and our acts giving them the reason for them to stay. In the end, it was one of the best talent shows, especially numbers-wise,” Ramesh said. “There were lots of weather-induced delays, especially with snow days on our audition and rehearsal dates. But nonetheless, the show went on perfectly.”

Key Club hosted the 3rd annual talent show Friday, Jan. 31 in the auditorium, where approximately 300 Liberty students and parents came to watch. The winners Tai Williams, Randall Dennis and Taylor Peoples had the most reaction from the audience. Their singing and rapping performance of Lukas Graham’s 7 Years was showstopping, especially when Peoples entered the stage.

“Out of everything, it’s a humbling experience, a lot of training, a lot of hard work over the last week,” Dennis said.

The audience was very involved in all the acts and encouraged every performer on the stage, no matter what they were performing.

“I really was impressed with the way the crowd was so receptive and encouraging to everyone,” Ms. Borders, one of the Key Club sponsors, said. 

Senior Annette Oliphant and Sophomore Maddie Ashlock, two members of Key Club, emceed the event, coming at the audience with jokes and laughs in between the acts. 

“I think that this was an awesome opportunity for people to showcase their amazing talents. Everyone did such a good job and I’m so happy with how it turned out,” Oliphant said.

As for the acts themselves, there were varieties of abilities in the spotlight. Many different talents were showcased for a good cause.

“The diversity of talents was so cool and so fun. We had art, we had tap, we had dance, we had rap, we had songs, we had opera this year. It was amazing,” Borders said. “It was just fun to be able to cheer people on, just to sit back and enjoy it.”

The talent show is a great way to bring students and families together. The money raised from students’ amazing talents will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of the LaBrot family’s newborn child who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. A total of $361.81 was raised at intermission alone dedicated to the foundation.

“We are going to be able to donate that money to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of the LaBrots,” Borders said. “I know that means a lot to them and we want to help them and show our support to our own Liberty family, anytime we can.”