WSD Buildings Closed Indefinitely For The Academic Year
Virtual learning will continue through June 1
An empty Liberty High School on March 28. The last day of school in the building was March 13.
April 9, 2020
Although it may not come as a shock for many people, but to protect students and staff from the COVID-19 virus, schools have now been shut down for the rest of the year. Wentzville School District superintendent Dr. Cain sent out an email to parents informing them of the update.
“We understand that this closure through the rest of the school year will have a significant impact on our families, but we also believe this action is necessary to reduce the spread of disease and protect lives,” Cain said.
This closure includes all WSD school buildings, and all athletic events and activities are canceled for the remainder of the school year. WSD facilities, fields, and playgrounds will continue to be unavailable for community use until further notice as well.
School will continue through virtual learning to the end of our school year which is June 1 (Pre-K through 11th grade) and May 21 for seniors.
Gov. Mike Parson announced Thursday that all public school buildings will be closed through the remainder of the academic year. He stressed the numbers that they are trying to slow when closing schools.
“As of 2 p.m. today there have been 3,539 positive cases of COVID-19 including 77 deaths. Over 39,000 Missourians have been tested,” Parson said.
He made the decision alongside many superintendents and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Additionally, Dr. Cain acknowledged how hard this situation has impacted the senior class, and wrote that arrangements have been made with their events.
“We have secured an alternate graduation date for all three high schools with the Family Arena for Saturday, July 25. This is tentatively scheduled in the hope we will be able to come together in large groups again by that time,” Cain said.
Other plans are being made with Senior Honors Night and prom as well, so we will keep you updated as more information comes in.
On that note, please take care of yourself, and stay safe!