How Bad’s the Weather in Your Head?

The truth about seasonal depression


Grayce Page

“How bads the weather in your head?” is a lyrics from the song “Brainstorm”by Alexander 23.

Grayce Page, Reporter

As hoodie-season comes around, so do many other things. You might be thinking about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or the snow. But, for many others, it’s a lot colder than that. Many people including teenagers, struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). 

TeensHealth says that “It’s estimated that about 6 in every 100 people (6%) experience SAD”- much more common that you might think. SAD is a form of depression that occurs at the same time every year. Many people might say to those with sad are “just tired a lot”, “lazy”, or “sensitive” but there could be more to it than that. And while there are both summer and winter depression, the winter depression is more common. 

Some of the symptoms for SAD include changes in mood (usually feeling sad or irritated for at least two weeks at a time), a hard time concentrating, low energy (feeling tired or fatigue), changes in sleep patterns and eating habits, and less time socializing.

“Depression is a battle between your brain and your body. One day you’ll wake up and realize that you are more than an illness.”

— Sammy Knickmeyer (10)

No one person with SAD will have the same exact feelings/actions. But, if you feel like you have a lot of the symptoms,  consider talking to someone about it whether that be a friend, parent, or teacher. Be sure to reach out to someone who will most likely be understanding about what you’re going through, even if they don’t relate to what you’re feeling. Along with talking to someone about it, if someone you know seems to be showing symptoms or tells you they are, make sure not to push them away or tell them that they’re fine. SAD is a very serious and draining condition that if not handled correctly could really negatively affect a person.

Some treatments for SAD can include light therapy, talk therapy, mind-body connection, or medication. If you have SAD or think that you might, here are some things to consider doing to help you.

  • Try to go outside more on sunny days.
  • Try exercising or just including more physical activity in your day-to-day life (even if it’s just taking your dog on a walk).
  • Try to eat healthier foods; not go vegan, but maybe have fruits instead of a bag of chips is accessible.
  • Even though it’s hard, try to get more sleep.
  • Write down how you feel or talk to someone about it.

If you think you could have SAD, remember that anything you’re feeling is valid and shouldn’t be pushed aside. 

If you or someone you know is having feelings/thoughts of suicide, please call this hotline number 800-273-8255. You are not alone.