DECA Project Raises Money for CenterPointe Hospital

Anthony Galati and Tyler Irlmeier raise $405 to donate to CenterPointe Hospital


Tyler Irlmeier and Anthony Galati are recognized by CenterPointe staff for their contribution.

Sabryn Gibson, Reporter

Two students recently raised $405 that went to CenterPointe Hospital in support of teens coping with mental health during the pandemic. Seniors Anthony Galati and Tyler Irlmeier did this as their Community Awareness Project for DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America). This is both their second year participating in DECA. 

The two were able to raise money through online donations by advertising it through social media.  By using their personal Instagram and Snapchat accounts, DECA’s Twitter account, and an email sent out to all the teachers, they were able to get hundreds in donations.

The motivation behind this project came from knowing family and friends that have struggled with mental health and sought help at CenterPointe. 

“I’ve had a lot of friends that struggled with different mental health issues, and I just think it was a really good topic for us to talk about and raise awareness for,” Irlmeier said.

Seeking help can be a really big step for people who struggle with their mental health, especially in teens. One in five teens suffers from at least one mental health disorder, so it’s essential to bring awareness to available resources for those who are struggling. With COVID-19, many teens who struggle with mental problems have had it rough, with routines being disrupted and not being able to get out and see the people you love. CenterPointe is a local hospital that has helped many people within the community cope with mental illnesses and addiction issues. 

“I’ve had family members that have gone to CenterPointe for mental illnesses, and a lot of people from Liberty have also gone there to seek help,” Galati shared. 

CenterPointe Hospital recognized Galati and Irlmeier for their donations and support during this unprecedented time.