New Bell Tune Not Permanent

School administration hopes to get issue resolved with bell software soon


Emma Carter, Reporter

Change is never easy, especially when something you are so accustomed to changes drastically. This is the case with the adjustment with the new bell sound.

Students and faculty have not only strong feelings regarding the bell, but many want it to change.

Senior Amaris Vasquez stated, “I really don’t like the ones that are going on right now.”

Vasquez also remarked that the new bell sounds scratchy and she hates it.

Principal Mr. Edgar Nelson explains the change is a technological issue that will be refined in the coming weeks. 

“We actually have two different bell systems,” Nelson said. “We had an old school bell system that was pretty simple, but it was hard to program. We got a new bell system that was supposed to be ‘improved’ but that’s not working in certain areas of the building.”

School administration has been working diligently to figure out how to get the bells to work consistently with the new software. This contradicts student assumptions that the bell is changing for the purpose of finding a new tune. 

Nelson voiced, “Once we get everything worked out, we will change the tone of the bells and get that all worked out.”

Our new bell system may be a work in progress, meaning the current bell is not permanent.

Nelson also commented on the time frame for this urgent situation.

“It’s a process, and we think it will be done in the next week or so. We had to have someone come from outside the district to troubleshoot, and do a service call on that.”