Accepting the Challenge
The craft store Michaels has created a challenge for its shoppers
Hadley Bowsher poses for the Michaels challenge.
March 15, 2018
Have you heard about the new challenge going around? The craft store Michaels has invited photographers and everyone that wants to take some pictures to come in their store and take pictures of whatever they want. Michaels also said they will even allow animals to have their photo taken in the store.
Using the hashtag #michaelschallenge the craft store posted to Facebook encouraging everyone to come to the store and take pictures that look as professional as possible.
So with my camera I took to the stores and headed to my nearest Michaels.
At first the awkward stares didn’t help me, as my sister and I were embarrassed. We were running and hiding every time we saw someone. However, after about 10 minutes we were got more comfortable and were not so embarrassed.
We did get the uncontrollable giggles. After laughing so much and trying to hurry, I did get the pictures I came in hoping to get.
Before I walked into the store, my sister and I looked at how other people were doing it, like how most stayed in the flower station and not anywhere else. So we took to what others were doing and planned to stay in the flower and plant stations.

Hadley Bowsher does the Michaels challenge.
Out of around 70 pictures, I got at least 15 decent ones and only about two that I actually liked.
My sister and I had a really good time doing this and even though we didn’t get as many pictures we liked it was still a blast.
If you love the idea of this challenge, I would totally recommend going to your nearest Michaels and doing this challenge and sharing your experience with everyone. If you do share you photos on Instagram under the hashtag #michaelschallenge.