Students Apply the Different Uses of Technology
Students attend state TSA conference to compete in technology related events
Left to right: Tyler Schultz, Scott Brockman, Lauren Stumpf, Alex Vigor, and Kyle Chastain.
Tyler Schultz, Scott Brockman, Lauren Stumpf, Alex Vigor, Kyle Chastain
April 27, 2018
Technology is used for just about everything that we do today. There are even competitions for students who like to explore the different ways you can utilize it.
Some of the students at Liberty who appreciate it are in The Technology Student Association, TSA, and attended a State Championship/Conference April 22-24. The students went to Missouri S&T in Rolla and competed from Sunday to Tuesday in different technology related events.
One group of Liberty students competed in an on demand video. The students are given 24 hours to write, shoot and edit a video. They were given little constraints, however, it had to be a PSA. The students, senior Tyler Schultz, senior Scott Brockman, senior Lauren Stumpf, junior Alex Vigor, and junior Kyle Chastain chose to do their video on not texting and walking. They placed second in this category.
“It was three days of having fun with friends and competing in a competition that for us is relatively easy,” Kyle Chastain said.
Another competition was on writing essays about technology. The subject of the essay this year was “who knows you better, Google or your neighbor?” Andrew Chastain had to write his essay in 90 minutes. He ended up winning the first place title and was named the state champion.
Junior Mateusz Przezdziecki competed in a photographic technology event. For the event he had to prepare a portfolio of 5 edited photos with a specific theme. He was then judged on the quality of the photo, the background information and the quality of his editing. He was accepted as a semi-finalist and then had to take a photo at the conference and edit it for submission. Przezdziecki ended up receiving a medal for being a semi-finalist.
Juniors Zainub Ahmed and Michael Coyle were finalists in the Debating Technology Issues events. They both were given topics prior to the event to study and when they arrived at the conference they debated the topics with other teams from the state. They placed in the top 12 and received a medal for being a semi-finalist.
TSA is a club for people who are interested in technology. They normally meet on Thursdays and have something for just about any one with a passion for technology.
“We also do a lot of fundraising, my favorite one is the car show that we do,” Vigor said.