Teachers Got Spirit, How ‘Bout You?

Teachers participating in different spirit days at Liberty


McKenzie Bartels

Teachers have spirit, yes they do…teachers have spirit but how about you?

School spirit days are always popular at Liberty seeing as it’s very entertaining and it’s a great way to support the school.

Not only do students participate in spirit days, but so do a lot of the teachers.

One of the many teachers at Liberty that participates is Ms. Tarrant-Oliphant.

“Yes, of course I participate in spirit days because I always want to support my students in anyway I can. I love my school, job and my kids.”

Mr. Hendricks also loves spirit days.  

You can always count on seeing him in the hallway on spirit days dressed in something fun and funky.

“I love spirit days. I think it’s a good way to be crazy and tap into my inner self,” Hendricks said.

Mr. Hendricks is anxiously awaiting for the first PJ day. He wants to wear his onesie and according to him…it’s “super tight”.

Teachers at Liberty agree, that most teachers participate in Spirit Days.

The stuco adviser says, “I think that teachers do a really good job of participating in the spirit days. It’s become part of the culture here at Liberty to participate in spirit days.”

Showing school spirit is just part of Liberty and without showing school spirit, Liberty would be very different.

“Yeah, I think a majority of the teachers participate,” Ms. T.O. said. “I think they like to get involved because they all really care about the kids.”

You may be asking, how do we really know that teachers are participating in spirit days?

Every Friday, an email gets sent out to all the teachers. The goal of this email is to see how many teachers are wearing Liberty spirit.

“STUCO students tally points for the teachers and the teachers with the most points at the end of the year get a prize.”

Now that teachers have spirit, it’s time for you and all the students at Liberty to show some school spirit!