Finding a Way to Avoid the Third Quarter Slump

What are third quarter slumps and how can you cope with them?


Sophia Seger

Students like sophomore Greylin Jones are hard at work, gearing up for third quarter.

Sophia Seger, Reporter

What are the third quarter slumps? Third quarter slumps are when students began to fall behind do to a lack of motivation and a large amounts of stress.

“I definitely think third quarter slumps are a real thing. They have always affected me,” sophomore Hannah Burcar said.

Third quarter slumps are an issue because they cause students to fall behind in school and become overwhelmed. They are usually caused by underlying issues that need to be addressed and fixed so kids can remains on track.

Do students notice a difference in their academic activity during third quarter?

“I do notice a drop in my grades around third quarter, I don’t know if it’s because of third quarter slumps though. I think my classes just get harder,” freshman Emilee Cordry said.

While third quarter slumps may be definitely a thing, not every student is affected the same. It comes down to who the student is and how they handle school when times get hard.

How can students prevent third quarter slumps? It’s as simple as making sure you stay caught up on work and don’t procrastinate. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to talk to a teacher or a counselor because they can help you create a plan. If you find yourself falling behind, you can catch back up fast and will not be as stressed.