What are some of the Highs and Lows of Having a Job as a High School Student?

Senior tells the ups and downs of his job


Abby Hurych, Reporter

Like many other students at this school Dakota Barnett has a job, he works at an athletic complex concession stand in Chesterfield. Dakota makes the food that you would get while you’re watching a game, at the concession stand.

Ms. Shelton was able to put in a good word for Dakota at the athletic complex because she works there too plus he has good time management and integrity. Those are things Dakota says you need to be to do a successful job.

Dakota says there are ups and downs to having this job, both of them are the people. He enjoys getting to know the people he works with and meets, but also some customers are hard to deal with. Dakota says that something else that he enjoys is working with the kids. Dakota says  “some kids will come up and try to buy stuff but don’t have enough money so I’ll pay for them.”

Although Dakota has had some bad experiences with customers, he enjoys his job and enjoys doing it. If you don’t have a job but would like one talk to some people in your classes and ask about their jobs and get suggestions to where they think you might be good working at.

Having a job is hard and tiring but if you get one you may just end up enjoying your job like Dakota enjoys his.