Garden Club Is Growing Opportunities

The Garden Club is taking part in creating their very own school grounds garden


Elizabeth Hamby

Junior Bella Tegtmeier scoops up soil into the garden bed.

Elizabeth Hamby, Reporter

A truck filled with soil pulled up to the middle open field at Liberty on April 6 and provided the beginning of this year’s garden that is currently being prepared by students and staff. The people behind this action are none other than the Garden Club. 

The raised garden bed that was built last school year was first cleaned out by students and fresh soil was poured and positioned for seeds to be planted. The plan for the garden itself was developed last year, but because of the pandemic, they weren’t able to plant anything. 

Garden Club’s sponsor Ms. Pizzo and co-sponsor Ms. Whitmore were both very excited about the opportunities that the garden could provide, especially since it can contribute to a tasty treat. 

The plants that will be growing in the garden will all assist in the making of salsa when ready to pick; plants like tomatoes, jalapenos, peppers, cucumbers, and herbs are the seeds they are planning to sow.  

Junior Emma Jones, a member of Garden Club, says that most of her family members have gardens at home. 

“It’s (gardening) not like a passion thing but I do love it. I love knowing that I can run outside and grab that food right from the garden and help my grandma or dad with supper,” Jones said.  

The garden, sponsored by Mizzou, who is a big supporter of our school’s actions, assisted them with $300 to get started with the project. They have also provided Ms. Pizzo with a previous grant for $1,000 for the purchase of a water tower garden that sits in her classroom. 

Pizzo’s goal is to continue this annual tradition of the salsa garden and make a unique garden a twice-a-year occasion around Christmas time and during spring. 

“I’m so excited to watch our salsa garden grow and to enjoy some delicious basil,” senior and Garden Club vice president Eric Welker said. 

On Friday, April 9 the club went outside again and planted the seeds and labeled them with the corresponding names. Shortly after they got a sweet little sweet treat from the sky as it rained almost all day Saturday.