Constructing a Family Bond

Like his father, Alex Poteet enjoys woodwork and crafting

Constructing a Family Bond

Danielle Corgan, Reporter

Following his family’s footsteps, senior Alex Poteet enjoys spending his spare time building things and woodworking. It’s something his dad has always had an interest in and Alex is right behind him.

“My dad’s a woodworker, and when he was younger he would do woodshop classes and he passed it down it to my sisters which passed down to me.” Poteet said.

Alongside his dad, for the past three years, Poteet has made wood vases. They sell three kinds, and had a booth set up at the Liberty holiday bazaar where they sold bud vases, Christmas tree vases and a three wood vase. Their bud vases seemed to be the most popular.

“I’ve had special orders for the bud vase because they’re really pretty and they’re the most fun to make too. It takes about, I would say, a month to make maybe five,” Poteet said.

Although there is a lot of work that goes along with making the vases, the Poteets look at it as a fun hobby to do on the side.

“What I like personally about it is making it with different kinds of woods because you get to see the different colors, textures and all that,” Poteet said.

Woodwork is something he genuinely enjoys and aside from just making vases, Poteet has many other skills when it comes to crafting and fixing things.

“I love crafting…fixing things, every time my mom has something broken she would come to me and ask me for my help,” Poteet said.

Poteet will continue to perfect his craft and put it to good use as he goes into the military and picking up that building bond with his dad when he gets back.

“I’m planning on going to the military and doing construction and then when I come back I’ll get back with my dad. We’re planning on making more stuff,” Poteet said.