Kenny Henk & Carnivorous Plants


submitted by Kenny Henk

Senior Kenny Henk poses with his array of carnivorous plants.

Anna Simms, Reporter

Senior Kenny Henk’s love for plants started to blossom in 2020 at the start of the pandemic. Henk especially loves carnivorous plants such as Venus flytraps.

“I love the variety and colors among carnivorous plants,” Henk describes. 

Henk first stumbled upon carnivorous plants from a post on social media. This sent him into a rabbit hole of discoveries.

“I came out of that hole with a ridiculous amount of Venus flytraps facts,” Henk emphasized, “and a desire to own every Venus flytrap in existence. 

Henk ordered his first two flytraps from an online website and named them Sinppy Snappy and Meatloaf. Currently, he owns a total of five Venus flytraps as well as a variety of other carnivorous plants. This is just the beginning as Henk hopes to own more plants in the near future.

With his love of plants, Henk plans to attend Mizzou in the fall to receive a degree in plant sciences to pursue a career working with a variety of plants.

“With a degree like this, I could work at any number of plant places,” Henk exclaims. “Working at the St. Louis Botanical Gardens or owning a carnivorous plant nursery would be a dream!”