Your Guide To Red Week

Sruthi Ramesh, Editor-In-Chief of LHStoday

Spirit Days

Wednesday: Space Gear

Thursday: 70’s

Friday: Red Out (CVC Shirt)

Assembly: 1/21

The Red Out assembly will be the first school-wide assembly in over two years. Below is the schedule for Friday, Jan. 21.

1st Hour: 7:20 – 8:04  (44 m)

2nd Hour: 8:09 – 8:53 (44 m)

3rd Hour: 8:58 – 9:42 (44 m)

5th Hour: 9:47 – 10:31 (44 m)

6th Hour: 10:36 – 12:01 (55 min) 

Lunch A: 10:31 – 11:01

Lunch B: 11:01 – 11:31

Lunch C: 11:31 – 12:01

7th Hour: 12:06 – 12:49 (43 m)

Release StuCo at 1:00 pm

8th Hour: 12:54  – 1:37 (43 m)

Pep Assembly: 1:37 – 2:20 (43 minutes) 

Coaches Vs. Cancer Basketball Game: 1/21 @5:30 p.m.

The CVC game will be hosted by Liberty’s Student Council in honor of Coaches Vs. Cancer. In efforts to raise money for the cause, there will be a cakewalk as well as a miracle minute. Both basketball teams will be playing Fort Zumwalt South, with the varsity girls playing at 5:30 p.m., and the varsity boys playing at 7 p.m. Teachers will be performing a dance along with the Liberty cheer team during halftime of the boys game.

Winter Formal: 1/22 @7 p.m.

The winter formal will be held in the Liberty Commons on Saturday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. The theme of the dance is “Dancing With The Stars.” Students can buy tickets during lunch and before school at the Pop-Up Boutique in the commons. Tickets are $10 and t-shirts are $12. Tickets will be checked at the door upon entry.