Liberty Wrestlers Honored At Senior Night
Wrestling team defeats Zumwalt East on senior night, the final home meet of the season
February 2, 2022
Liberty seniors had their final home meet in a dual against Fort Zumwalt East on Jan. 26. Liberty wrestling has four seniors this year: Lukas Aubuchon, Ethan Williams, Geoffrey Hudson and Kimball Lowe. The dual, which ended in a 60-15 victory for the Eagles. during the last home meet of the season.

Lukas Aubuchon, who has been out for the majority of the season with a torn labrum, plans on going to college at the University of Missouri. He plans to attend Mizzou’s pre-medical school, then go on to become a doctor specializing in anesthesiology. Aubuchon was a dual-sport athlete and played football in his freshman and sophomore years. His favorite memory is qualifying for state junior year.

Ethan Williams is enlisted in the Army to be a Cavalry Scout. Williams plans on going to mountain school. He is going to OSUT at Fort Benning, Ga. Williams says that he may go into a career in the Army or he could choose some other profession but he wants to keep his options broad in case something doesn’t work out.

Geoffrey Hudson, who plans on wrestling in college, most likely at Simpson College, an NCAA Division III school in Indiana. Hudson started wrestling in his freshman year of high school at Troy Buchanan and moved to Liberty halfway through his sophomore year. Hudson is a dual-sport athlete, participating in football and wrestling. Hudson tore his ACL in a match and was unable to participate in senior night. Hudson says that he has an equal love for wrestling and football but would choose to wrestle over football because he is better at wrestling.

Kimball Lowe, who plans on attending college and majoring in accounting, says that he hopes to wrestle in college possibly at Lindenwood. Lowe says his favorite high school memory was being nominated for homecoming court his sophomore year despite social anxiety.