Earth Club: A Plan To Save The Planet


Jaxon Drezek

Allison Rigby, Clara Walker and Sophia Hegyi go over plans during the first Earth Club meeting.

Lydia Hamby, Reporter

Planet Earth is a place that needs remodeling, a place that needs improving. Clara Walker is one person who wants to make a difference. 

Walker is the creator and founder of the new Earth Club. Walker is a freshman and really wanted to get involved and this was the perfect opportunity so she decided to make a club based upon improving the school’s carbon footprint and reducing waste.

I’ve been really interested in environmentalism and helping with global warming issues the last few years,” Walker said. 

At the first Earth club meeting, 12 people showed up. Club members got to know each other and they brainstormed ideas to do in future meetings, which included picking up trash around the school, fundraising, or even doing a school bake sale.

Mrs. Hall is Earth’s club’s sponsor and the club meets in room 227 every other Wednesday in A.I. 

Brandt Cleppe and Clara Walker brainstorm ideas for future meetings. (Jaxon Drezek)

The club’s next meeting will be on March 9 during AI. Anyone interested in joining should feel free to stop by during AI. Students can join the Google Classroom with the code: ex6z4ns. Students can fill out the form to know what they would be interested in doing including helping with social media and suggesting their ideas for possible service projects.

“I try to do small things that add up to make a big difference,” Walker said. 

Walker tries to do simple things like recycling and composting, turning off water and light switches when she’s not using them, unplugging things when she’s not using them, and not wasting food.  

Just doing these simple things can help save energy, improve your carbon footprint, and overall save the Earth.

Violet Grau, another member of the Earth Club, says she enjoys how organized and put together the club is. Grau helps keep the Earth clean by gardening.

“I want to do more to help the Earth,” Grau said.