Seniors Last Day Changed To May 27

The last day for seniors is moved forward one day


Sruthi Ramesh

The original last day of school for seniors was May 26. It has been moved to May 27.

Emily Barnett, Reporter

The senior graduation date that was anticipated for May 26 is now moved to May 27.

What caused this one-day date change? The Wentzville School District central office told schools that any day after the built-in six-day snow days would have to be made up at the end of the year. Since all K-12 schools had six snow days and a mental health day off, there is now a need to make a day up.

According to Liberty principal Dr. Kiely, “it is a minutes thing with the state and it’s a central office decision on the seniors’ last day getting moved, so it is now the 27th.”

If the school was to have any more snow days, the date would get pushed farther back.