Introducing Art Club

Liberty’s Art Club initiates Inktober, featuring student artwork online


Emily Nguyen

Club secretary Keena Boschert drawing while Londyn Riley works, during an Art Club meeting.

Emily Nguyen, Reporter

With the addition of block scheduling and Soar Time, clubs at Liberty have been arguably more convenient for students to attend, and be involved with. Instead of meeting after school like most clubs have done for years, some extracurricular activities now meet during Soar Time. Art Club is one of these clubs.

This year, Art Club is sponsored by Ms. Vo, an art teacher here at Liberty.

I just wanted to provide a happy and safe place for students who like art, to come together,” Vo commented about the sponsorship. 

Art Club meets every Thursday during Red Time, where club members, or any students who attend, can be informed about upcoming activities and events. During every meeting, you can participate in set tasks, create artwork, or just hang out and eat lunch. 

The club gives Liberty students the opportunity to focus solely on art, especially when other aspects of school are hectic or cluttered. Those who enjoy art can be around other students who feel the same, providing room for collaboration and a sense of belonging.

Art Club’s submission for Liberty’s club chalk art contest. (Clara Walker)

 “I just wanted to be more involved in school stuff and I just never have time at home to make art. I just thought I would do it here,” club vice president, Divya Kollipara specified. 

“There’s no stress. It’s just fun, you get to hang out with your friends and draw, and do projects,” club social media manager, Clara Walker said about Art Club’s environment. “It’s a chill place.” 

Art Club members seem to feel the same as Walker, with the overall vibe of every meeting being relaxing, but still fun, and welcoming. “I felt understood,” club member, AJ Reyes noted, at Art Club’s seventh meeting. 

Meetings are filled with light-hearted chatter and conversation. After the club officers present the weekly meeting information, everyone can do their own thing, whether it be with a friend or two, or by themselves. 

“We work together artistically. It’s a safe place for people to talk to others. There’s not too many people, so it is not super overwhelming,” club president Allison Rigby stated. I got involved last year because I really wanted an art club… I decided to run it this year,” Rigby explained. 

The club is a great place for artists and non-artists alike to be more involved at Liberty. I wanted to be involved in activities in high school, and after hearing there was an art club, I decided to participate, because I always enjoyed creating art,” club secretary Keena Boschert reported.

One of Art Club’s members, Londyn Riley remarked, “I joined Art Club because I like art, it’s a way to express yourself. I needed a way to get involved in school as well.”

Gavin Sauer and Leah Dudley work during Art Club’s seventh meeting. (Emily Nguyen)

This month, Art Club is participating in Inktober, a seasonal art challenge where artists can create artwork from a list of prompts for every day of October. Inktober was created in 2009 by illustrator Jake Parker. Participants are encouraged to post their art online. 

Art Club, with their own Twitter and Instagram accounts have begun posting pictures of their Inktober masterpieces on social media. They have a Twitter handle, @art_clublhs, and an Instagram account, @art.clublhs, where alongside their artwork you can find more information about the club itself. 

Other activities students can take part in right now include a fall bulletin board, as well as a manga wall, that will be used to showcase different scenes from anime and manga. Art Club wants to show inclusion and have impact with their projects, with plans to even work with different charities and organizations within our community in the future. 

Vo, Art Club’s student officers and members welcome you to join them, in Room 312, every Thursday during Red Time, where you can partake in Inktober, chill with friends and art lovers, be involved in the school, eat lunch, chill, and look forward to the upcoming events and activities that Art Club has in store.