As a new decade of Liberty’s history began on Aug. 21, the first day of the 2023-2024 school year featured new changes and additions to the school body while also continuing long-standing traditions.
While the freshman class took the annual bridgewalk to welcome them into the school, the student body was reminded of the new policies regarding cell phone use and food delivery that took effect on Monday.
During the summer, the administration explained in recent communication to students and parents that, “students may bring a phone to school, but once they enter the building, phones and ear buds need to be put safely away. Students should not have phones/ear buds out in the classroom.” Furthermore, they also mentioned the use of food delivery services, in which it was said that the administrative team has, “made the decision to not allow outside delivery services to deliver food to our students during the school day.”

Each classroom has now been issued individual bathroom passes, which are color coded to the classroom’s closest bathroom. The school has also changed the system for parking. Each class now has a designated parking lot for them to use: seniors use the front lot, juniors use the back lot, and sophomores use the lot near the football field. There are a few exceptions to this, including students enrolled in CAPS or a.m. dual enrollment.
Sophomore Lorelei Wise expressed her thoughts on some of the policies being enforced. “I agree to an extent that our learning capacity and focus can very much expand without the persistent and alluring attraction of phones,” Wise said. “However, I also understand to a degree that certain resources on phones, such as Saturn, or particular app-based research, could be lost with those that are accustomed to such.”
On the new policies being enforced, Mrs. Beierman, a chemistry teacher here at LHS, supports the policies.
“I think we need some more structure and rules in place to gain more control of the school,” Beierman said. “Last year was one of our highest failure rates, so I know that cell phones, for example, will give students more time to focus in class.”
In addition to the new information about the new school year that the school body has received at the start of this year, the annual freshman bridgewalk also commences at the beginning of the new school year. It is here at the bridgewalk where many new students join the school community, while the older students welcome them to the school as well.
This special tradition that Liberty has been doing for many years represents a new class of freshman students entering the school’s halls, and it gives each new student a sense of belonging as well as excitement for what is to come in the future.
Freshman Jackson Adams explained how he found that the school body is “pretty connective.” Adams then went on to say that he is “excited to get involved in activities.”
Entering high school on the first day made Peyton Strittmatter, a freshman who participated in the bridgewalk, feel that, “It’s only going to get better.”
The first day of school assembly continued with performances from the dance and cheer teams, as well as inspirational words delivered to the school body. The assembly then ended with Mr. Nelson, the building principal, addressing the students with more information and advice for the new year, such as reminding everyone to be respectful and kind to one another.
In regards to the start of the new year, Mr. Nelson explained how he’s hopeful at the start of this new school year.
“It feels good, and it looks like everyone is pretty excited. I’m really hopeful that we’ll have a good year.”
More about LHS’s recent news can be found on the weekly “Nest News” newsletters.