What Was It Actually Like To Grow Up In The Greatest Generation?
Braden Altrup’s great grandma, Nana Helen, is 94 years old. She’s lived through The Great Depression, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, and so many other things. Helen and her grandson, Braden Altrup’s dad, sat down for an hour and a half to hopefully get a good description and picture of what it was like to grow up in The Greatest Generation.
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About the Contributor

Braden Altrup, Executive Producer of Broadcast Media
Braden Altrup is a senior and is the Executive Producer of the Broadcast Media class. This is his third year in Broadcast Media and is super honored to be the Executive Producer. After he graduates he will be going to University of Northwestern Ohio for Motorsports Marketing in hopes to get his dream job of working for Formula Drift. He spends his free time building his 240sx s13 drift build and working on his marketing/design projects for his clients.