Double The Fun

Emily and Hannah Redding are twins by chance, friends by choice


Haleigh McCune

Hannah (left) and Emily (right) are still cheering for LHS even after three years.

Haleigh McCune, Reporter

Imagine having a sibling. Say, maybe a sister. This isn’t a hard thing to do considering many people have at least two.

Now imagine having a sibling that not only figuratively, but literally is a part of you. For sisters Hannah and Emily Redding, this is definitely not a foreign concept.

On November 28, 2001, a set of twins was born. They already had an older sister, but they had yet to know the impact that they would have on each others lives.

“It’s just like a built in best friend,” Emily says 16 years later. Emily is older by eight minutes, but she loves having someone right next to her side.

Some might say that twins have a certain connection, and with the Reddings, this is definitely true.

Even though the sisters are fraternal, they admit that when the other isn’t around, something feels off, not quite right. Emily says that she gets lonely whenever her twin isn’t around, and Hannah admits that being the same age at the same school definitely “has its benefits.”

These twins are smart. Very smart. Advanced classes for almost every subject, while keeping enough for sports.

When you are younger, it’s one thing to play sports. Your grades don’t matter that much, and the pressure to succeed isn’t very apparent.

When you are a varsity cheerleader in high school competing for nationals, this is a very different story.

Being together all day in school, and then continuing into the afternoon for practice can be stressful for anyone. But remember, these people have to go home together.

Although they might not be in the same group, the sisters are still on the same team. Surprisingly enough their teammate and friend Paige Huettenmeyer says that they “never fight in cheer.” Like, ever. As stressful as siblings can be, I guess the sport is more important than an argument.

The stakes are even higher this year. As varsity cheerleaders, the Reddings with the rest of their competitive team are going to nationals this year.

This requires a lot of support and getting along. Two things that these twins are apparently very good at.

Their friends and teammates say that they help each other with their focus and determination. They make each other work harder, and perform at a higher level.

So, having a “built in best friend” since birth really helps in all areas of life. Whether that’s school, sports, or at home, they are there and ready to help you if needed.

Having both of them as friends is a benefit too.