How The Weather Impacts Students Learning

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that follows a seasonal pattern.


Katie Peterson

The weather plays a big role on students mental health and concentration during school.

Jade O’Neill, Reporter

As the weather changes, so do students learning behavior.

Studies have shown that whatever the season, weather can have a massive effect on productivity levels. For example, hot weather can have an adverse effect on productivity levels. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that follows a seasonal pattern.

According to research, SAD usually develops in a person’s early 20s but can occur in older children and teens. The risk for the disorder decreases as you get older. 

During the warmer seasons, students tend to have higher grades and they come out of their winter slums and sometimes depressive states and tend to focus on school work. They become less stressed and happier.

“I feel like my grades get better during the springtime because that’s when it starts to get warmer and sunnier so I get less stressed and that’s better for my mental state,” sophomore Keileb Abernathy said. 

It’s true students may be more distracted, but overall the outcome is better because their mental states are improving with the good weather.

“As it starts getting warmer out, that’s usually when finals come around so I feel like the weather does affect my grades because I’m stressed about finals but I’m more in the mood to actually study for them,” sophomore Jordan Stevens said. 

Many students struggle with the third quarter slump.

“I usually have no motivation during the winter to do any work or homework,” Abernathy said.

Students tend to be more motivated during the warmer weather, and as school is coming toward an end that’s the time to buckle down so you will end the year off with good grades.

“I feel like everyone is just happier when it’s warmer out,” Stevens said. 

It’s easier to wake up in the morning and come to school when you wake up to the sun shining. The weather plays a big role in students’ mental health and concentration during school. 

Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Information from

When experiencing SAD, a person may

  • withdraw socially and no longer enjoy things that used to be fun. It’s as if a person’s batteries have just run down.
  • crave comfort foods, including simple carbs such as pasta, breads, and sugar. With excess unhealthy calories and a lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, fatigue often sets in, leading to increased sleepiness and weight gain.
  • feel anxious, irritable, have trouble sleeping, or decreased appetite. These symptoms are more common with the spring/summer form of SAD.