Come Sing With Us: Staff Choir Fun

Mr. Datz teaches LHS staff members to give a special performance at the upcoming December concert

Sydney Davis

Staff members will perform at the winter concert on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Liberty Performing Arts Center.

Chloe Stenger, Reporter

The staff choir is a group of teachers who love to sing, or maybe used to sing in choir. For others, it’s a new experience for them. Either way, this a great opportunity for colleagues to connect and do something fun for the students.

“The students are always surprised when their teachers get up on stage and sing a song,” music teacher and event coordinator Mr. Carter Datz said. “That’s a really cool thing for the student to see or hear.”

The reason Datz started the staff choir is because it was his first year at Liberty last year, and he didn’t know a lot of the staff because his classroom in the 500 hallway is pretty isolated.

“It was a selfish way to get to know the other teachers and to meet and hangout with them. It was also a fun way to surprise my kids at the concert and I wanted to do something special for the winter concert.” Datz continued, “I wanted choir to be more a part of the school culture because we were so isolated, so it was a way to bring singing and music out to the whole school.”

Datz just recently started the staff choir last year, and he came up with the idea himself. He did say how he hopes to make the event an annual tradition at the winter choir concert. The staff choir will perform Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Liberty Performing Arts Center.

Since Datz became TikTok famous when his student choir performed their memorable “It’s Corn” song, it has crossed his mind to post about the staff choir. “It crossed my mind that we could maybe take some of the teachers singing and post it to TikTok, since I have way more followers than ever before.”

Datz wishes to keep the list of teachers participating in the event a secret. He did hint, “You can say pretty much every department is represented in the choir. Even administrators.”

All faculty and staff are welcome to join in and sing, no choir experience or vocal talent necessary. The only requirements are a weekly 15-minute rehearsal and a love of singing. It doesn’t matter if you are a bad singer or a star at singing.

Mr. Pryor, assistant principal and participant of last year’s staff choir said, “We had a really good time, having rehearsed several times before the performance. It was fun because we got to know each other better in a different environment. It was also fun to surprise the students.”

Pryor joined because he supports the arts.

“I love music, band, choir. I was in choir in high school and college. Since I knew it was Mr. Datz’s first year I wanted to make sure he knew he was appreciated. Having worked together on school related topics, it was fun getting to know them in a new light. Mr. Datz made the rehearsals fun.”

If you can’t read sheet music, it’s okay. Datz said he can make practice tracks so you can learn your part just by listening.

“I made practice tracks for teachers who can’t read sheet music. They can listen to their part and learn it,” Datz said. “I’ll have some teachers who are unable to come to rehearsals come to the last concert and sing. I highly encourage anyone who is still on the fence to join us, and email me for more information.”

If a staff member wishes to sign up, it is not too late. Once Datz gets a list of volunteers, he sends out a Google Form asking about your weekly availability so he can pick a 15-minute time slot or two that works for most people participating. Last year, there was an option of before school and after school rehearsal times so you are allowed to choose your rehearsal time. The rehearsals are held in the choir room.

The participating teachers normally end up singing a funny little Christmas song at the winter choir concert, and everybody has a great time watching and participating in the event.